Trump Is a Chinese Agent – by Thomas Friedman – NYT

“The big story everyone is chasing is whether President Trump is a Russian stooge. Wrong. That’s all a smoke screen. Trump is actually a Chinese agent. He is clearly out to make China great again. Just look at the facts.

Trump took office promising to fix our trade imbalance with China, and what’s the first thing he did? He threw away a U.S.-designed free-trade deal with 11 other Pacific nations — a pact whose members make up 40 percent of global G.D.P.The Trans-Pacific Partnership was based largely on U.S. economic interests, benefiting our fastest-growing technologies and agribusinesses, and had more labor, environmental and human rights standards than any trade agreement ever. And it excluded China. It was our baby, shaping the future of trade in Asia.

Imagine if Trump were negotiating with China now as not only the U.S. president but also as head of a 12-nation trading bloc based on our values and interests. That’s called l-e-v-e-r-a-g-e, and Trump just threw it away … because he promised to in the campaign — without, I’d bet, ever reading TPP. What a chump! I can still hear the clinking of champagne glasses in Beijing.”

Bravo Friedman.

China announce plan to invest $500 Billion in sustainable energy systems. Trump undoes the Clean Power Program, unleashing big coal, for a refreshed export market. Woe is U.S.

Here are the two top comments do date.

James Landi

Salisbury, Maryland 7 hours ago

Tom, It’s “deja vu all over again “– just when you think we’re rid of “The Stupids Come to Washington” yet another election cycle comes along, and you find out just how gullible and fickle and uninformed, and lacking in critical thinking skills the American electorate really is. Trump’s candidacy and positions on nearly every public policy promised to reset reality back fifty years. Coal, trade, the environment, you name it, and Trump et al presents the stupid retrograde, short sighted position. And as he resets America to be Really Weaken Again, suddenly the likes of Lindsey Graham and John McCain and Susan Collins are our last best hope for sanity in the Republican led stupid government. It’s a nightmare of epic proportions.

NYT Pick

Stephen Woodmansee

Malaysia 6 hours ago

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Imagine you are a 50 something Australian, living and working in Malaysia, like me.
Trump tears up the TPP. What does that tell you?
The only conclusion I can come to is that the US is becoming isolationist and you are pulling back from a US – Australian partnership that has been rock solid ever since I was born. A partnership born in blood and shared values. Australia has to trade, we are a modern dynamic economy and we need reliable trading partners. The US, not us, have pivoted and we have to react to survive. This is not optional.
We will join China’s trading block because we don’t have a choice. I would be happier with the US’s trading block, but the world has changed.
As a long time supporter of the US, I have to say I am surprised and saddened at how you have decided to squander your influence in Asia. It will certainly be to your detriment, and to ours, I believe.

About David Lindsay Jr

David Lindsay Jr is the author of "The Tay Son Rebellion, Historical Fiction of Eighteenth- Century Vietnam," that covers a bloody civil war from 1770 to 1802. Find more about it at, also known as, David Lindsay Jr blogs at, and is currently writing about Climate Change and the Sixth Extinction., as well as singing and performing a "folk concert" on Climate Change and the Sixth Extinction. He can be reached at daljr37(at)
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